1st thing to surprise her in the morning was I had order a bouquet of roses from Ideal Florist in I-Avenue. Prepare this since Sun to prevent some disappointment for roses not available. Hey guys, fake roses are more expensive that the real one. Somemore it will be after 3 or 4 days. Darling, i know you love blue roses J Blue roses with colour spray will stand for 3 days only le..
After few days I receive a fwd mail from my colleague about a mail circulated around the company about a luckly girl who received 1001 roses from a secret admirer!
Night time will be a surprise for her as she still cant figure out where I bring her for dinner :-P Let talk about the place Audees now..
We were welcome by 2 waiter to our seat since I have made reservation earlier. 1st we feel not so comfortable as we are sitting neat to the counter but sooner will be use to it as the view near us still satisfy with Spanish base bear, TORRES deco in the centre. The set dinner came with a nice appetizer, soup and garlic bread. As for the main course, I have a steak while the lady had a chicken. Her one is nicer, with chicken meat rollup in pieces. Our dessert is ice-cream with fruits and since Mid-Autumn festival is around the corner, we have jelly mooncake on the house. The coffee is a bit bitter but that's the least of my complain. Add at least 3 tea spoon :-S
By the time we have finished our dinner, we got offer from the supervisor in Audees to take some snap shots for us. See… His technique of snapping was good as Sony camera need to hold it firmly for night shot.
We were bring to the upstairs which is a bar. It was nobody there now as the happy hour will start on Fri as many people will be hanging there to relax from their daily hectic working days.![](http://i104.photobucket.com/albums/m186/myuptownboy/Meyer%20Bday/DSC03518.jpg)
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